| View system messages via web Syslog messages Windows Events Status Reports Statistics Web based |
Adiscon LogAnalyzer  Adiscon LogAnalyzer is a web inter- face to syslog and other network event data. It provides easy brow- sing, analysis of realtime network events and reporting services. | Reports  Reports help to keep an eye on network activity. It consolidate syslog and other event data providing an easy to read sheet. Charts help to see important things at a glance. |
LogAnalyzer is part of Adiscon’s MonitorWare line of monitoring applications. It runs both under Windows and Unix/Linux. The database can be populated by MonitorWare Agent, WinSyslog or EventReporter on the Windows side and by rsyslog on the Unix/Linux side. LogAnalyzer itself is free, GPLed software (as are some other members of the product line).