LogAnalyzer v3.5.0 (v3-beta)

Download file name: LogAnalyzer v3.5.0 (beta)


  • Added new Report “Eventlog Audit Summary Report” which can generate detailed security reports for Windows Eventlog security records. It supports Windows 2003 and 2008 Server and is compliant with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, 2002.
  • Added support for customized boolean report filters. This enhancement is also used by the new “Eventlog Audit Summary Report”.

Version: 3.5.0
File size: 1018658 bytes

LogAnalyzer v3.4.0 (v3-stable) released

We have just released LogAnalyzer 3.4.0. The new stable release has the following changes:

LogAnalyzer 3.4.0 (v3-stable)

Download file name: LogAnalyzer 3.4.0 (v3-stable)


  • Added initial version of a new free report for consolidating Windows Eventlog Logon / Logoff events
  • PDO LogStream, the RowCount function is now only used with MYSQL, PGSQL and MSSQL. Other PDO Drivers may not return a useful value.
  • Removed language files from source, can be found here from now on:
  • Straighten out a couple of issues
  • Doc: Redirected professional support options to proper page

Version: 3.4.0

File size: 1001.847 KB

Adiscon LogAnalyzer 3.3.0 beta is out

Adiscon’s open source log analysis frontend LogAnalyzer has grown with some exciting new features. Most importantly, report generation speed has been much increased. This was made possible via tighter integration of the report logic with the actual log source (database or file). As a result, all reports are generated in considerably less time and require far fewer system resources to complete. Continue reading “Adiscon LogAnalyzer 3.3.0 beta is out”