We have just released LogAnalyzer 4.1.6, the new release of the stable branch.
This release has the following changes: Continue reading “LogAnalyzer v4.1.6 (v4-stable) released”
A Web Syslog and IT Event Viewer
We have just released LogAnalyzer 4.1.6, the new release of the stable branch.
This release has the following changes: Continue reading “LogAnalyzer v4.1.6 (v4-stable) released”
Download file name: LogAnalyzer v4.1.6 (stable)
Version 4.1.6 (stable), 2017-11-06
Version: 4.1.6
File size: 2852860 bytes
MD5Hash: b301450d023c9644806b959dba168f
We have just released LogAnalyzer 4.1.5, the new release of the stable branch.
This release has the following changes: Continue reading “LogAnalyzer v4.1.5 (v4-stable) released”
Download file name: LogAnalyzer v4.1.5 (stable)
Version 4.1.5 (stable), 2016-10-13
Version: 4.1.5
File size: 2865033 bytes
We have just released LogAnalyzer 4.1.3, the new release of the beta branch.
This release has the following changes: Continue reading “LogAnalyzer v4.1.3 (v4-beta) released”
Download file name: LogAnalyzer v4.1.3 (beta)
Version 4.1.3 (beta), 2015-03-26
Version: 4.1.3
File size: 1337332 bytes
We have just released LogAnalyzer 4.1.1, the new release of the beta branch.
This release marks a milestone for the changes that have been made. The primary reason for the changes was to make Adiscon LogAnalyzer a lot more accessible and Continue reading “LogAnalyzer v4.1.1 (v4-beta) released”
Download file name: LogAnalyzer v4.1.1 (beta)
Version 4.1.1 (beta), 2014-10-29
Version: 4.1.1
File size: 1333637 bytes
We have just released LogAnalyzer 3.6.6. This stable release has the following changes:
Download file name: LogAnalyzer 3.6.6 (v3-stable)
Version 3.6.6 (stable), 2014-09-02
Version: 3.6.6
File size: 1047243 bytes