How to setup EventReporter to view Windows Eventlogs in Adiscon LogAnalyzer

How to setup EventReporter to view Windows Eventlogs in Adiscon LogAnalyzer.

Article created 2009-08-11 by Andre Lorbach.

Last edited 2018-03-15 by Pascal Withopf.

This article will help you to setup an environment to log and store Windows Events at a central place using EventReporter, and view and search them using Adiscon LogAnalyzer. Continue reading “How to setup EventReporter to view Windows Eventlogs in Adiscon LogAnalyzer”

Running LogAnalyzer on IIS7

The usual user of Adiscon LogAnalyzer is using it on a Apache Webserver. But on the other hand, there are some customers who want to use it on IIS. Though, it is not ideally optimized for IIS, it still works. Unfortunately, the installation process is not entirely straight forward and installing PHP (which is a requirement) might give one or another a rather hard time. Now, fortunately, we found a very easy way to get things set up correctly, which we want to show. Continue reading “Running LogAnalyzer on IIS7”

Using rsyslog mmnormalize module effectively with Adiscon LogAnalyzer

Using the mmnormalize module in rsyslog is a bit complicated at first. We want to describe in this article how to set up the basic components for using log normalization. In addition to that we will show how to configure these components so messages will be split into pieces of information. These pieces of information should then be written into a database for review with Adiscon LogAnalyzer. Continue reading “Using rsyslog mmnormalize module effectively with Adiscon LogAnalyzer”

LogAnalyzer v3.0.6 (v3-beta)

Download file name: LogAnalyzer v3.0.6 (beta)


  • Added missing filterstring url parameter into statistics.php.
  • You can enable/disable charts by clicking on the checkbox now in the Charts Admin panel.
  • Added support to select character encoding in HTML Header. This enables Loganalyzer to process and display UTF-8 encoded logs properly. The default encoding is ISO-8859-1 and can be switched in the general admin panel, or by adding the $CFG[‘HeaderDefaultEncoding’] configuration variable into config.php. Possible values are ENC_ISO_8859_1 and ENC_UTF8. The supported encodings can be extended by adding new encoding definitions in include/constats_general.php.

Version: 3.0.6
File size: 995146 bytes

LogAnalyzer v3.0.5 (v3-beta) released

Hi all,

We have just released LogAnalyzer 3.0.5. The new release has the following changes:

  • Fixed javascript compatibility issue related to Internet Explorer in reports admin.
  • Fixed spelling error in german language translation
  • Fixed problem with german special characters (Umlaute) in Form captions.
    Some admin panels did not work properly because of this issue.
  • Filters were ignored in chart generation if the according filter fields were not included in the chart data.
  • The auto-increment value of the ID field is now resetted if all data is cleared using the mysql logstream maintenance functions.


As always, feedback is appreciated.

Best regards,
Florian Riedl

LogAnalyzer v3.0.5 (v3-beta)

Download file name: LogAnalyzer v3.0.5 (beta)


  • Fixed javascript compatibility issue related to Internet Explorer in reports admin.
  • Fixed spelling error in german language translation
  • Fixed problem with german special characters (Umlaute) in Form captions.
    Some admin panels did not work properly because of this issue.
  • Filters were ignored in chart generation if the according filter fields were not included in the chart data.
  • The auto-increment value of the ID field is now resetted if all data is cleared using the mysql logstream maintenance functions.

Version: 3.0.5
File size: 993555 bytes